Thursday, June 30, 2011

Hardest Part

I have been longing to leave my close-minded town ever since junior high.
Now that I am leaving, I am incredibly sad.
I know it is inevitable that I will not keep any of the relationships that I have now.
My best friend went to boarding school 5 years ago. To sum it up, the last time we spoke was a year ago and it was awkward small talk. I know that I will be able to meet people from all around the world considering my school is mostly made up of international students, but it will never be the same. To add, even if I do become friends with the students at my new school, we will not be friends forever. We will be so far from each other.
This decision has been a wakeup call for me. I hope the experience shapes me into a better person.

*Anyone reading this blog, please refer this blog to any family or friends. I would love to have some sort of following for feedback :)

Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Decisions, Decisions, Decisions.

Whenever the sentence, "I am going to boarding school," happens to come out of my mouth, I receive a few different responses.
The typical, "Ew, why?"
Again typical, "What did you do?"
Idiotic, "Like Harry Potter?"
and last, "You really think you're better than everyone else?"
Believe it or not my best friend said the last response to me.

The real reason I decided to leave is inexplicable. There are too many emotions that go into my decision.
Most importantly, I wanted the experience. I feel that I have gone through my life, for lack of a better word, numb. I feel as if I have not lived anything. Staying in my town is like wearing Crocs, comfortable but not fitting or acceptable. I hope that makes some sort of sense. Most people who grew up in my town, have never left. They have never had any outside experiences. They don't know what life is like outside of their hometown. I know that I would not like to reflect on my life, and think, "what if?" Regret terrifies me greatly.
So, I made this decision for me.
And it was the first time that I just considered me. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Hello everyone (and nobody),

     The entirety of the creation of this blog is most likely pointless, but I'll never know if I do not try.

I titled this blog, 180 Days Alone because simply I will essentially be alone for 180 days at boarding school.
My goal is for somebody to take time out of their own day, and read what I and hopefully others have to say.
I hope this blog is not a one-sided conversation.
I hope this blog becomes a discussion with people from all over in many different situations, not just mine.
Essentially, a place to go to talk.

If anyone has the slightest bit of interest in reading, writing, or criticizing this blog, please leave a comment.

I will appreciate it more than you will ever know.

-NZ "180 days alone"